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Monday, May 13, 2024



A person's word is as strong as the foundation of a building(it could even be stronger than that), that's why the power of your words are endless and that power alternates between life and death.

A very long time ago, in a South American country, a little boy was eager to play football with the older guys of his town. This boy was so little, maybe not more than 4-6 years old. He was that small in age and height.

His mother was scared because of his age and little stature, fearing that he wouldn't be able to play or the older kids would be too much for him, even his coach concluded that he was too tiny to play and the boy was already concluded on before he was given the chance to play.

But the boy's grandmother said something that changed his life forever. She said, "Take him, he'll save your game." or some other sources recount that she said, "Put him in! Put him in!"

And after much deliberation, the boy was put into the game and from then on, his football career immediately began. Just because his grandmother understood and used the power of words that she possessed.

Who is this boy? His name is Lionel Messi. One of the greatest footballers of all time and who was his grandmother? She was Celia Olivera Cuccittini(she died when Messi turned 11) and the power of her words changed her grandson's life forever.

She looked past the physical disadvantages of her grandson and the fact that everyone had.given up on him and she said the words, the words that has made Messi who he is today, the words that spoke life and light into his existence.

And yet, we are all fond of speaking death and darkness into our own world, speaking evil and pain into our daily lives. Do you truly understand the power and might behind your articulations and voiced mouth movement?

Are you so careless with your words without knowing how much power they carry? You curse yourself and curse others all in the name of "cruise" or "jokes" or "I just kidding." The one who is caught lying to his friend, who says, “I didn’t mean it, I was only joking,” can be compared to a madman randomly shooting off deadly weapons (Proverbs 26:18-19 TPT).

So even saying evil, mean, hurtful and painful words to your friends and those around you and then saying that you were just joking is like someone throwing deadly weapons around. Your words can hurt people as much as it can lift them up.

"Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose." - Proverbs 18:21 MSG

You have to choose your fruit or choose your poison, it's what you want that you will get, it's the words you say that will manifest in your life or that of another(when you bless or curse them).

If Celia's words could kickstart Messi's career, then imagine what you could do with your words?

If words weren't so powerful, why didn't God just clap His hands (our human minds can't really comprehend the totality of God so I am using "hands" to give a better understanding) and poof! The world fell into place.

He didn't do that, all He did was created the world with the WORDS he spoke. (Genesis 1 and 2). Or was it when His son, Jesus cursed the fig tree that no one would eat from it's fruit and truly, it withered the next morning? He didn't beat up or spit on the tree, He spoke to the tree (Matthew 21).

There was a reason God instructed Moses to speak to the rock and not to strike it because God knew the power of the words He would speak (Numbers 20:7-11). Even God exalts His word above all else(Psalm 138:2).

Celia's words came and caused a shift in Messi's life and let us know that anyone could have said those words but only Celia spoke up because the rest were focused on Messi's flaws but Celia only saw Messi's future and she spoke out in faith, in hope and in love.

Be careful of the kind of things you say,
be careful of the things you say to others and be careful of the things you say to yourself.

After all, God said, "Let there be light" and there was light.

What are YOU going to say today?

Itsekor Romunu Precious.



1 comment:

  1. messi is the best so definitely putting everything in one word is just very nice actually
