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Thursday, August 8, 2024



According to many sources and studies, a person's love language borders between or is usually a mix of the following; Physical touch, Quality time, Words of affirmation, Acts of Service and Gift giving but what if I told you that there is another kind of love language that's not often said. Do you know what it is? That love language is FOOD.  

Whether it's coming home to the smell of smoky Jollof rice or ordering your favourite swallow at a restaurant or maybe your partner decided to make you a surprise dinner, food is a universal love letter that when it's read, it not only fills the stomach but it fills the heart.  

A few months ago, specifically on the 14th of February 2024; Favour De9ine had an idea to celebrate love in one of the best ways possible, what was that way? By opening a food business where lovers, friends, families and people from all walks of life can come and have a nice meal and not just have butterflies alone in their stomachs.  

It was a 50/50 thing because he just wanted to "try" out a food business for the first time. And that dear reader was when Losa came to life. For she was the embodiment of sweet food that would be made, served and eaten with love.  

After all, Losa stands for "Lots of Sweetness Around." So, you're not only coming for the sake of sweet love, you're coming for the sweet food too.  

Losa started off with selling smoked, hot and crispy barbecues with a side of coleslaw on site and they were selling like wildfire. Students from all walks of life would come around just to have a taste (or two, maybe three) of Losa's delicious barbecue.  

This went on for quite a while and it was known that once you walked past the Relaxation Center of DELSU Oleh Campus, you must surely get a whiff of the smell of the delicious barbecue or rather, you'll see people making orders or even enjoying it right on the spot.

After a while, like most food businesses, the barbecue became a household name and then roasted plantain or "Bole" became the new treat at Losa. So even if you didn't fancy barbecue, you could treat yourself to a nice helping of Bole. And it wasn't just Bole, sweet pork was also added to the menu. All of these intricate dishes combined together to make your heart yearn, your mouth drool and your stomach to rumble.  

Along the line, more delicious cuisines stepped in and drinks became the order of the day. Losa expanded to a full-on food hub with its main aim being communication of love through good food and swell times. And what more? Losa has dedicated herself to giving her customers good food at an affordable price.  

Meaning, you're not going to have a heart attack when making a bank transfer for your favourite barbecue neither are you going to break your bank just to get a nice meal of Chicken and Shawarma for your stomach's delight.  

After all, even the crooner of Losa is a student himself and so he understands that most his customers are from the student populace (and most are on a budget). All in all, Losa has got your stomach and your finances covered.  

Now, what connects food and love? Imagine waking up after a tired night of studying and someone gets you breakfast in bed; wouldn't you want to cry? Or maybe you just spent endless hours at work and you came home to meet a splendid dish prepared by your partner to help salivate your taste buds.  

Another case scenario is someone taking you out to eat and not only did they get you your favourite meal, they covered the charges as well. This alone can warm the heart of whomever is receiving this kind of food.  

You see why Losa does it's best to not only create good food but to create an amazing atmosphere of love? Because when there's love, there's sweetness and where there's food, there's even more sweetness. 

You wonder why Jesus decided to have the "Last Supper" with His disciples and not a "last football game" or a "last concert" because one of the best ways to bond and create love is to add food to the equation. This is what Losa is all about.  

And love is this context isn't just romantic, Losa's delicacies contains and breeds love of all kinds. From love between lovers to the platonic bond of friends to the shared "brethren-hood" of the church folk to the mutual understanding of course mates or business partners to the "Hey- how's-it-going" vibes between casual pals.  

Whatever the relationship may be, Losa is always ready with a meal to complement the atmosphere and make it an experience that you and your loved ones will never forget.

In the words of the Losa founder himself, "Losa is all about communicating healthy food, eating healthy, getting love from the aspect of food, getting food at an affordable price and getting any kind of African food you want." And note that Losa is not only about receiving love but giving love as well.  

So why don't you get your friend some hot chicken wings? Or surprise your partner with a spicy barbeque? Or maybe treat your study buddies to a big "Bole Night" to celebrate a semester of hard work and studying relentlessly.  

That's how much food combined with love can do. Don't just plan to receive the love of food, endeavour to give out as well and you can do this by heading down to Losa and showing as much love as you can at an affordable price.  

Didn't Jesus Himself turn water into wine? Didn't He feed a crowd of 5000 people with just five loaves of bread and two fishes? Didn't he have the Last Supper with His disciples before His death? Everything He did with food was with an act of love and even Losa stands on that rock. That good food equals love and love can be bred through good food.  

Head to Losa today and experience what it truly means to have good food and butterflies in your belly at the same time.  


Itsekor Romunu Precious.  

© 1/8/2024. 

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